Middle School Electives
Fine Art
All students take art twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday
Multi-Media Class
Our multi-media students are responsible for researching, writing, and posting articles about LdV to The Da Vinci Times, our very own student generated website. Additionally, students in our multi-media class use our MacBook Airs to create weekly news videos about events and goings on at our school. They also take a field trip to Intel in Folsom, and participate in Intel’s PC Pals program.
Global Contemporary Issues
Three-Dimensional Art
Ancient Inventions
Middle School Band
Advanced Band
Blues Band
This course is sponsored by “I Can Do That” Very Special Arts. Participating in our Blues Band allows students to learn new instruments, including guitar, bass, drums, etc. and/or develop their vocal skills by becoming one of the band’s singers. This course is co-taught by an LdV teacher, and our very own artist-in-residence, Ned Hammad.
Teaching Assistant
Students develop a variety of skills when they sign up to be a Teaching Assistant. They help run small groups in our primary classes, work one-on-one with kindergarten students who need a little extra help, run copies for teachers, help put up bulletin boards, etc. There is never a dull moment for our TAs.